These days, Hank Williams’ yodel is no longer the high note of the radio, nobody’s got a dime for Johnny Cash, and the building Elvis left got torn down for a parking lot. But if you’ve got a fondness for twang and a bit of truth, Sonny Mac won’t leave you let down. Comfy as a broken-in saddle, easy-going as a Clydesdale, Sonny’s music takes you nice and slow down the sunshine trail, all while sharing songs of life, heartbreak, and all those things that are better left sung than said.
Listen on the way home from the whiskey bar, wake up to eggs and bacon and ballads, or just wherever you find yourself feeling in need of some cheer on the ol’ dusty. Sonny Macthe South Strathcona Songsmith, will be right there with you, along with his best friends - his guitar, and a good story.