"Night Rider Ballads"
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!
Yee HAW! Lookie here I’m in the news - and it’s not the funny pages! Thanks to @northsidechad for the kind words! Read it in the @edmontonjournal 🎶🤠📰🎶

It's Finally Out!
IT’S OUT! The NIGHT RIDER BALLADS album is now on streaming! Go take a listen to it now on whatever platform you desire: Spotify - YouTube Music - Bandcamp, etc. I’m so incredibly excited to share this music with you, let me know what you think!

What a show! The NIGHT RIDER BALLADS Album release is officially done & over! A very special thanks to everyone that came out AND to all the staff at Temple in Starlite Room for making this night possible! Yonghy Bonghy Bo's thanks for rockin’ the opener set - it was a blast! Videos of the night will be posted shortly so keep an eye out! Thanks for comin’ out and Given’r BUDS!